proudly serving

Charlotte, NC

are you ready to become a profitable senior photographer?

the High School Senior Portrait Academy

sign up now

In this course you will learn all of my tips and tricks on how I was able to leave the wedding photography industry and niche down to high school seniors. 

Imagine if you could:

01. attract your dream clients

02. become more confident with your client expierence

03. stand out in your market


Ashley Israel

For so long, I have been undercharging and discounting my work. I was too afraid to charge people what I was really worth! In the first couple of sessions with Ariel we spoke about me dealing with the imposter syndrome and thinking it was my social responsibility to charge "little to nothing" for my services. We worked through those issues, and now I am not afraid to send potential clients my price! The price has gone up.

I love her positive spirit and how much she believes in me! That personality is rare to find. Ariel genuinely cares about the success of her mentees.

"Overall, this course has been educational and FUN! I feel as though I have all the tools now to succeed in my business! Ariel is the perfect mentor and teacher for photographers."

okay I definitely need this

This Program is for you if:

you're struggling booking clients

learn how to pose your clients

you want to build a buzz-worthy senior representative team 


Want to level up your whole experience?

you want to increase your bottom line

you want to stand out from the crowd

you want to stand out in your brand

you want to do more in person sales

you are ready to implement the things you learn

Did you know

If you are ready for a fast pace, fast to implement course, then this is the one for YOU!!

That is what I had in mind when creating this course!

 a majority of people who start online courses do not finish them?

what students have to say

Welcome to The High School Senior Portrait Academy! 

lesson 1: welcome to the high school senior portrait academy
lesson 2: how to navigate this course
lesson 3: the business with heart approach

Capture Your Dream Client 

lesson 1: the senior photography difference
lesson 2: why?
lesson 3: pricing your packages
lesson 4: emotional in-person sales
lesson 5: your dream client

Create Your Experience

lesson 1: creating your client experience with heart
lesson 2: client experience systems & senior portrait workflows

Develop Your Vibe

lesson 1: creating a senior based brand
lesson 2: cultivating diversity
lesson 3: marketing must-haves
lesson 4: finding your seniors on social
lesson 5: curating a senior rep team

Magnify Your Craft 

lesson 1: preparing for the shoot
lesson 2: locations & lighting
lesson 3: wardrobe
lesson 4: posing
lesson 5: style shoots

Expose Your Confidence

lesson 1: intentional impact
lesson 2: improving your self confidence
lesson 3: improving your craft

okay I definitely need this

Want to level up your whole experience?

Nicole Hurst

First I want to say how thankful I am for finding Ariel!
The class has been an eye opener compared to some classes I've taken in the past.

The real thing that has helped me the most as a new photographer was pricing. When I saw the section for pricing in the workbook, I literally dreaded going through it. It was something I was struggling with and wanted to put it off as the very last thing. I have to testify though, it was a relief and made me feel confident after writing it all down.

As a photographer starting out I really needed to know my worth. I'm putting money in equipment, props, and not to mention my time. To those staring like me, take the time to know how much your talent is worth. Lastly, thank you Ariel for being everything a new photographer needs! You are amazing at what you do, you're always on top of things, and you care about your clients.

Raven B Photography

As I am halfway through the Academy, I have taken in a lot of wonderful information. This Academy is really beneficial if you are looking to step up your senior photography business. There are a lot of great ideas in each lesson. Some of which I have never even thought of. Having the workbook to go along with each module lesson is a plus. You can tell that a great amount of time and effort went into creating this.

Since joining the Academy I have revamped some of my marketing materials to better speak to my ideal clients and provide them with the detailed information they’re looking for before beginning the process. Having this in place helps us to identify if we are the right fit for each other.

If you’re considering purchasing this course, I advise you to do so because it’s super informative and you won’t be disappointed!

Stacy Shadix Photography

The course has been so valuable for my business. Ariel’s way of teaching is straight forward. She created workbooks that are interactive and easy to access to customize them for your own business which I LOVE.

I especially enjoyed the branding information she has provided in creating a cohesive brand. Which I never realized was a pain point for me. She also walks you through strategies on pricing and shares what has worked for her. That has been extremely helpful in me creating my own pricing structure that works for my business in this season. Overall, I can’t say enough about this course and Ariel in general. She has given us everything we need to be successful, you just have to take it and use it for your own business. I can already see the results from implementing what she has taught me personally and I’m excited to see where my business will be 3-6 months down the road. If you are struggling in your business…

You NEED this course!

Did someone say...


I'm all about taking things to the next level, so it's a treat to add in these special bonuses just for you!

Leveraging a Team to Improve Your Experience

guest Bernel Westbrook: Website/Brand Design

Trading Your Services with Business Owners

Learn My Editing Style

module 7:




i'm ready!

3 payments


i'm ready!

Best value!

pay in full



i'm ready!

2 payments

ariel perry

Your friend,

My high school dream turned into reality when I became a professional photographer. But back when I was a senior, it wasn’t all mapped out for me. It took years for me to grow the confidence and support I needed to get where I am now—working as the premier Senior Portrait Photographer on the East Coast. Now, I dedicate my art to helping the seniors of today find their confidence, capture their beauty, and take those bold next steps toward their dreams.

Capturing high school seniors is my passion!

My main goal is to provide you with the

to achieve success!    

tools and knowledge

for my photographers

The Ultimate High School Senior Posing Guide

This is THE guide for senior photographers to help you improve your posing skills and guide your clients with confidence!

The Ultimate High School Senior Posing Guide has over 150 poses for you to use at your senior sessions, complete with:
• Photographer tips & tricks
• Multiple posing sections for girls & boys
• A bonus section of group shots for senior reps!

All for just $19.99! Buy yours today.

All images & content © Ariel Perry Photography /

website designed by branded by bernel